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Mountain Dew

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Mountain Dew has 19 proposed deals

To unlock proposing deals you must be Pongr'ing in this brand. Show your love and send in a pic to [email protected]!

John B.

John B. proposes: Take a pic of you wearing dew swag, and enter for a chance to win a free hat

John B.

John B. proposes: When you get to COO, get a dew Hoodie, Shirt, and 3 bottles.


Shane proposes: Every referral that's accepted gets the referrer a 50% off coupon for a 20oz.

John B.

John B. proposes: A hoodie to the next person who makes it to a top executive position

John B.

John B. proposes: anyone who ranks up to an executive position should get a mountain dew wristband of their choice, it would say something like dew labs executive.

John B.

John B. proposes: The next person to rank up should get some sort of mountain dew tasting kit.

John B.

John B. proposes: Anyone who gets 15-20 likes on an uploaded photo, should get a coupon for 3 bottles of dew of any flavor.

Jamie T.

Jamie T. proposes: I think every member of the "executive" team should get to have their picture framed and hung on the walls of Dew HQ.

michael s.

michael s. proposes: Free "Hoodie" when you make it to CMO.

michael s.

michael s. proposes: Free T-Shirt when you make it to "C" level position.

michael s.

michael s. proposes: Receive a coupon for Mountain Dew each time you level up, ranging from a free 20 oz to a free case.

Brand stats

CEO positions

Top executive positions

Position Employee
CEO michael s.
COO John B.
Public Relations Associate Shane
Market Support Associate Isabella T.
Administrative Assistant Levi R.
Office Temp Chris R.
Intern Nate J.

83 people like this brand

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